Non-Limited Business Debt Collection

With over 20 years of experience as a mechanical engineer specialising in agricultural vehicle repairs, there is nothing with an engine that this family-run company cannot fix. Their reputation for reliable, quality work at fair prices is known throughout Merseyside, where the company is based and has spread to the surrounding counties. They are often requested to carry out work up to 100 miles from their workshop base.

The Vintage Challenge

One such case was a call for help from a company based in Leyland, Lancashire, that operated a small fleet of tractors, trailers and equipment to supply sub-contract labour to local farms. The vehicle requiring repair was an almost vintage Nuffield 10/60 tractor manufactured in 1976. With spare parts hard, if not impossible, to source, this was a job that would test even our client’s experience and knowledge. With the adaption of a Massey Ferguson charging unit and a replacement overload switch, the fault was fixed, and the engine was running. A service and filter change was also completed during the four hours on site.

Our client issued an invoice for £1,026.00 based on the agreed hourly rate a mileage charge and the parts at trade discount cost.

The Payment Challenge

Once the invoice became overdue for payment, our client began to send copies of the invoice and requests for payment by email with no response. Whenever they called the debtor they were assured that payment would be made, but it never was. This went on for six months before the creditor decided to instruct Advocate to collect payment of the debt.

When carrying out financial checks on the debtor, it was established that the trading entity was non-limited. Identifying the proprietors to correctly issue a notice was important, and it took more research, as the trading name, two initials, and a surname suggested that it was a family-operated business. Whether or not intentional, it transpired that the business was operated by two partners who were not related, and neither of their surnames was the same as that of the trading name.

We issued a 7-day Notice of Court proceedings addressed to both partners trading as the business name. No response was received and we commenced telephone contact on day 3 of our action. We were advised that payment would be made later that week. The partner we spoke to was reminded that our client was repeatedly promised payment over a period of several months and the payment never materialised. Further that the consequences of continuing to withhold payment would be additional late payment charges and ultimately Court costs and solicitors fees.

Debt Recovery Challenge Completed

Two days after discussing the matter with the debtor, the full amount including our fees was received to our client bank account. The full invoice sum of £1,026.00 was transferred to our client’s bank via a same day payment within 60 minutes of the payment being received.

It took Advocate Commercial Debt Recovery 5 days to collect payment of an invoice that had been outstanding for six months. The client was understandably happy that the debt had been collected so swiftly, you read their review on our service by clicking on the link below.

