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Help for Business – The Fair Payment Code
In the autumn of 2024, the UK government announced a crackdown on late payment with the launch of the Fair…
Debt Recovery Now or Pay Later
Here at Advocate Commercial Debt Recovery, we’ve seen an increase in large businesses delaying payment to Small and Medium Enterprises…
Artificial Intelligence Debt Recovery
Present-day Artificial intelligence is about search engines, virtual assistants, targeted online adverts and content recommendations. AI is an increasingly common…
Breaking the Debt Ceiling
Last year, the average household debt stood at just over £66k and is set to rise for as long as…
Making Sense of the Late Payment Review
In an era dominated by politics, the climate emergency, and a cost-of-living crisis, you’d be forgiven for not knowing about…
Debt Collection via Twitter
Since Elon Musk walked into Twitter HQ holding a basin and asking people to ‘let that sink in, ‘ we…
Are Recessions Good for Debt Collection Agencies
When the media and opposition benches bang the drums of recession, it can feel like the four horsemen of the…
Sport, Bankruptcy and Debt Recovery
Think of your favourite sportsperson or the club you have followed through promotion and relegation. Could they ever go bankrupt?…
How Debt Recovery Can Help When Insolvencies Increase
Figures produced by the Insolvency Service show the number of Creditor Voluntary Liquidations doubled in January and February 2022 compared…
Debt Recovery for Charity Organisations
At Advocate, we provide debt recovery services to several charities. For them, having to instruct a debt collection agency is far…
Truth and Potential – The Prompt Payment Code
There is no silver bullet to ensuring money filters down a supply chain in good time. As Advocate Commercial Debt…
Franchise Debt Collection
The concept of franchising dates back to the 1500s when tax collectors would take a cut of debts recovered on…
€2.5 million Write Off
Next time someone tells you there is no such thing as a bad day, you can prove them wrong with…
Is the Queen in Debt?
Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle are instantly recognisable epicentres of the British Royal Family. Much like a penthouse comes with…
The New Economy, Levelling Up and Debt Recovery
Thatcher had the Falklands, Major had Iraq, Blair had Iraq II, and Cameron had Libya. All these prime ministers won…
Debt Recovery – Inflation and Interest Rates
Inflation is a measurement of how much more goods cost year on year, expressed as a percentage. The current barometer…
Supplying the Government and Debt Recovery
In 2021, the government put £50 billion worth of contracts out for tender. Out of that, 70% were awarded to…
Guide to the 3Cs: Credit-cards, Cash, Cryptocurrency
When you instruct a debt collection firm, you expect to receive full payment as soon as possible. Advocate achieves that…
Debt Collection, Do I have to Accept a Payment Plan?
The short answer is no, but for a successful debt collection it may be worth considering a payment plan. Before…
Booze in Debt Recovery News
There have been some notable alcohol-themed insolvencies over recent times. Here are the highlights! Wining & Dining on HMRC The…
What is the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020?
Cast your mind back to Christmas 2019, when the possibility of a pandemic was first being mooted. Remember that discussion…
How can you stop Directors Voluntarily Striking Off their Company?
When a company is struck off the register at Companies House, it ceases to exist. Any assets not already disposed…
Crossing the Boarders with Debt Recovery
The ability of an individual to obtain justice through their national court is one of many barometers used when assessing…
Personal Debt Collection
Balancing the books of a business is very different to making sure you’ve got enough money until payday. That is…
HMRC Resumes Debt Collections as Experts Warn of Financial Distress
As the UK and the economy emerge from the Covid pandemic and the worst-hit sectors restart trading, Her Majesty’s Revenue…
Debt Collection of Bounce Back Loans
The most popular support scheme launched by the Government to assist UK businesses during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic has been…
Council Use of Debt Collection Agencies Continues to Rise
Research conducted by Money Advice Trust, the debt charity, has highlighted the increasing use of debt collection agencies by councils. In…
Latest figures released by the Insolvency Service
The Insolvency Service recently released some interesting statistics, including figures showing that, for the first time, women are more likely…
Taking a Debtor to Court – Who Pays the Costs
The final stage of debt recovery is often to issue a claim in Court. The legal fees involved in taking…
The History of Debt Collection
The necessity to collect debt existed long before currency, even before money was invented. Bartering goods or services in return…
Start-ups urged to consider the problem of late payment
The culture of late payment is affecting and even threatening the survival of many UK businesses. Having to wait beyond…
$83 Million awarded to a US woman following an illegal debt collection case
Maria Mejia from the state of Missouri in the United States has recently been awarded a world record $83 Million…
The UK Top 10 excuses for late payment
With UK businesses currently waiting to receive over £42 billion in late payment of invoices for the supply of goods…
Historic Football Club Wound-up with almost 1000 Creditors
A lower league football club famous for its FA Cup giant-killing exploits has been wound up at London High Court….
HMRC Debt Recovery Practices in the Spotlight following Complaints
New research from a top six firm of chartered accountants has shown that HMRC has drastically reduced its use of…
Vodafone Criticised for Mistaken Debt Collection Action
The telecommunications giant Vodafone has been heavily criticised by industry watchdogs for instructing a debt collection agency to recover a…
A Guide to the Process of Debt Recovery Cases in the County Court
Issue Money claims for debt recovery are initially sent to the Northampton County Court Money Claims Centre (CCMCC) to be…
New Law to Change the Funding of Insolvency Cases
The campaign to stop a new law on legal funding of insolvencies is gathering pace as the debate intensifies. Campaigners…
Companies that do not Pay on Time to be Reported
The business world would be a much nicer place if every business paid its suppliers on time. But they don’t,…
What to do when customers can’t pay or won’t pay
A Guide to Commercial Debt Collection Do you have customers who never pay to terms, customers who wait for…
North East Borough Council planning to establish an internal Debt Collection agency
It has emerged that a council in the North East is planning to set up an internal debt collection practice….
The Effect of Late Payment on Business
New research conducted by BACS has revealed that over three-quarters of UK businesses suffer from late and non-payment of invoices….
Court Fees to Increase Sharply
Commercial Debt Recovery Claim Costs to Increase If you go back just a few years, court fees cover just about…
New £5,000 Statutory Demand Minimum Debt Threshold
The eagerly awaited rise in the minimum debt threshold for insolvency action has been announced by the Government and met…
What are the Pre-Action Protocol Requirements for Debt Recovery
Pre-litigation conduct with respect to the requirements for debt recovery claims has become more and more comprehensive over the years,…
Debt Collection Advice for Small Business Owners
The vast majority of small business owners that contact us for help in recovering debts do so for two…
Know Your Customer and Avoid Commercial Debt Recovery
Businesses of all sizes rely on a steady stream of new customers to safeguard and expand their operation. Depending…